Operating instructions

Initial Settings menu11
Display settings
Options settings
Parental Lock
Default level: Off; Default password: none;
Default Country/Area code: us (2119)
To give you some control over what your
children watch on your DVD player, some DVD-
Video discs feature a Parental Lock level. If your
player is set to a lower level than the disc, the
disc won’t play.
Some discs also support the Country/Area
Code feature. The player does not play certain
scenes on these discs, depending on the
Country/Area Code you set.
Registering a new password
Register a password to change the Parental
Lock level or enter a Country/Area code.
1 Select ‘Password’.
2 Use the number buttons to input a four-
digit password then press
Changing your password
To change your password, confirm your
existing password then enter a new one.
1 Select ‘Password Change’, input your
existing password, then press
2 Enter a new password and press
Setting/changing the Parental Lock
1 Select ‘Level Change’.
2 Use number buttons to enter your
password, then press
3 Select a new level and press
Press repeatedly to lock more levels
(more discs will require the password);
press to unlock levels. You can’t lock
level 1.
Setting Option What it means
OSD Language English On-screen displays of the player are in English.
Languages as displayed On-screen displays are shown in the language selected.
Angle Indicator On A camera icon is displayed on-screen during multi-angle
scenes on a DVD disc.
Off No multi-angle indication is shown.
Setting Option What it means
Parental Lock See Parental Lock below.
DivX(R) VOD Display
See About DivX
VOD content below.
1 • Not all discs use Parental Lock, and will play without requiring the password.
• If you forget your password, you’ll need to reset the player to register a new password (see Resetting the system on page 60).
Video Output
Parental Lock
DivX (R) VOD
Level Change
Country Code
Initial Settings
DCS-585-590DVD_EN.book 40 ページ 2009年3月12日 木曜日 午前11時21分