Operation Manual

You can play the video files stored in the exter-
nal storage device (USB, SD).
p In the following description, the SD mem-
or y card, USB memory device and USB
portable audio player are collectively re-
ferred to as the external storage device
(USB, SD). If it indicates the USB memory
device and USB portable audio player only,
they are referred to as the USB storage de-
p When SDor USB selected as the AV
source, the AV sounds, the navigation gui-
dance and beep sounds are mixed and the
volume can be adjusted simultaneously.
Important Notice regarding Volume of
Navigation Voice Guidance when
Playing Audio Files from USB or SD
If music files stored on an external storage de-
vice (USB or SD) are played when the system
is in Route Guidance Mode (i.e., a destination
has been selected and the system is routing
you to a destination), the volume of the naviga-
tion guidance voice will be the same as the vo-
lume of the music files being played, even if a
different Master volume or Voice volume or
Dynamic volume has been selected in the
Sound Settings menu. This condition only
applies to music files stored on a USB device
or SD card; it does not apply to music files
stored on an iPod or a disc, nor does it apply
to broadcast content (FM, AM, XM, Sirius,
Starting procedures
% Insert the SD memory card into the SD
card slot or plug the USB storage device to
the USB connector.
The source changes and then playback will
start if there is a playable file on the external
storage device.
= For details, refer to Plugging in a USB sto-
rage device on page 15.
= For details, refer to Inserting and ejecting an
SD memory card on page 14.
p If the external storage device is already set,
touch [USB]or[SD] on the AV Source
p Playback is performed in order of folder
number. Folders are skipped if they con-
tains no playable files. (If there are no play-
able files on folder 001 (root folder),
playback starts from folder 002.)
Reading the screen
1 3
p Optimum performance of this unit may not
be obtained depending on the connected
external storage device.
p You can playback the files on a USB sto-
rage device compliant with Mass Storage
Class. For details about the USB Class,
refer to the manual supplied with USB sto-
rage device.
1 Source icon
Shows which source has been selected.
2 Folder number indicator
3 File number indicator
4 Play time indicator
Shows the elapsed playing time of the current
5 File type indicator
Shows the type of audio file currently playing.
6 Current folder name indicator
Shows the folder name currently playing.
Playing the movie file (USB, SD)
Playing the movie file (USB, SD)