User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Browsing for a song 64
Introduction to advanced
operations 64
Playing songs in a random order
(shuffle) 64
Multi-CD Player 64
Basic Operations 64
Using CD TEXT functions 65
Introduction to advanced
operations 65
Using compression and bass
emphasis 66
Using ITS playlists 66
Using disc title functions 68
DVD Player 69
Basic Operations 69
Selecting a disc 69
Selecting a folder 69
Introduction to advanced
operations 69
Additional Information
Troubleshooting 71
Error messages 71
Handling guideline of discs and player 73
Dual Discs 73
Compressed audio compatibility 74
Handling guideline and supplemental
information 74
Compressed audio files on the
disc 74
USB audio player/USB memory 74
Example of a hierarchy 75
The sequence of audio files on the
disc 75
The sequence of audio files on USB
memory 75
iPod compatibility 76
About handling the iPod 76
About iPod settings 76
Bluetooth profiles 76
Copyright and trademark notice 77
Specifications 78