Installation Guide

Use of Existing Overhead Speakers
In some existing home theater systems, overhead speakers are employed to
generate audio that would otherwise be created by listener-level speakers (for
example, left/right surround speakers). When transitioning to Dolby Atmos, existing
overhead speakers should only be repurposed as overhead outputs if a
corresponding listener-level speaker can be added to assume the previous overhead
speaker feed.
For example, if two overhead speakers located toward the rear of the room are
currently used to reproduce left/right surround outputs, they should be used as
overhead speakers only if replacement left/right surrounds can be added at the
listener level. If this is not possible, the overhead speakers should continue to be
used for left/right surround outputs. In this case, overhead sound can be achieved
by installing additional overhead speakers, Dolby Atmos enabled speakers, or
modules in the front speaker locations.