User's Manual

Pepwave MAX and Surf User Manual
Copyright @ 2015 Pepwave
14.2.3 Algorithm: Enforced
This setting specifies the WAN connection usage to be applied on the specified IP
protocol and port. This setting is applicable only whenAlgorithm is set toEnforced.
Matching traffic will be routed through the specified WAN connection, regardless of the
health check status of the WAN connection.Starting from Firmware 5.2, outbound traffic
can be enforced to go through a specified SpeedFusion
14.2.4 Algorithm: Priority
This setting specifies the priority of the WAN connections used to route the specified
network service. The highest priority WAN connection available will always be used for
routing the specified type of traffic. A lower priority WAN connection will be used only
when all higher priority connections have become unavailable.
Starting from Firmware 5.2, outbound traffic can be prioritized to go through
connection(s). By default, VPN connections are not included in the
priority list.
Configure multiple distribution rules to accommodate different kinds of services.
14.2.5 Algorithm: Overflow
The traffic matching this rule will be routed through the healthy WAN connection that
has the highest priority and is not in full load. When this connection gets saturated, new
sessions will be routed to the next healthy WAN connection that is not in full load.