User Manual

Peplink Balance Series - 117 / 182 - Copyright © 2011 Peplink
Confirm SMTP
This field allows you to verify and confirm the new administrator password.
SSL Encryption
Check the box to enable SMTPS. When the box is checked, the next field
SMTP Port will be changed to 465 automatically.
Two different emails templates can be set and customize.
Account Information Email will be sent when the user login at the first time with a guest account.
Password Reset Email will be sent when the user is requesting a password reset on the portal
Different dynamic information is available for the email template.
Dynamic Information for Captive Portal Email Template
This is to specify the name of account user.
This is to specify the sender’s name.
This is to specify the reset password of the specified account.
This is to specify the account user name.
This is to specify the password of the account.
This is to specify the expiry date of the account.
Once the settings are complete, press the Save button to save and activate settings.