User Manual

Peplink Balance Series - 150 / 182 - Copyright © 2011 Peplink
20.7 Reporting Server
The Reporting functionality enables Peplink Balance to post traffic data and other information periodically
to a Peplink’s Reporting Server for generating detailed historical usage reports of the device.
The settings for configuring Reporting Server functionality are found at the following location: System >
Reporting Server:
Remote Reporting Settings
Post Data to
This setting specifies whether or not Peplink Balance should periodically and automatically
post traffic data to reporting server.
Reporting Server
This setting specifies the Internet IP address or host name of the reporting server.
By default, the Reporting Server value is
“create a login”
Click the link to register a login ID on Peplink’s Reporting Server. Each login ID can
associate with multiple Peplink Balance devices.
If you already have a login ID on the server, you can skip this step.
Click on the link and the following window will pop up:
Fill in the “User Account” field to specify the login ID on the Reporting Server to be allowed
to access the report of this Peplink Balance device.