User Manual

Peplink Balance Series - 44 / 182 - Copyright © 2011 Peplink
WINS Server Settings
Check the box to enable the WINS Server. A list of WINS clients will be displayed
at Status > WINS Clients.
DNS Proxy Settings
A check box to enable to DNS Proxy feature.
DNS Caching
This field is to enable DNS caching on the built-in DNS proxy server. When the
option is enabled, queried DNS replies will be cached until the records’ TTL has
been reached. This feature can help improve the DNS lookup time by storing all
received DNS results for a faster DNS response time. However, it cannot return
the most updated result for those frequently updated DNS records.
By default, it is disabled.
Use Google DNS
Server as Backup
When this option is enabled, the DNS proxy server will forward DNS requests to
Google's Public DNS Servers in the case if all WAN connections' DNS servers
become unavailable.
By default, it is disabled.
Local DNS
This table is for defining custom local DNS records.
A static local DNS record consists of a Host Name and an IP Address. When
looking up the Host Name from the LAN to LAN IP of Peplink Balance, the
corresponding IP Address will be returned.
Press to create a new record. Press to remove a record.