User Manual

Peplink Balance Series - 56 / 182 - Copyright © 2011 Peplink
11.1.5 Mobile Internet Connection
(Available on Peplink Balance 20/30, 380+)
The Mobile Internet Connection method is suitable for USB modem mobile connection such as 3G, EVDO,
EDGE, and GPRS, etc. Currently it only applies to USB mobile WAN port. For the list of supported
modems, please refer to Peplink 3G Modem Support page:
Connection Settings for Mobile Internet Connection
Toggle the radio button to Yes to enable the connection.
This setting specifies the utilization of the WAN connection.
The selection of Always-on
results in the WAN connection to be used whenever it is available. If
Backup is selected, the WAN connection is treated as a backup connection and is used only in
the absence of available Always-on WAN.
The default and recommended Connection Type is Always-on.
Standby State
This option allows you to choose whether to remain the connection connected or disconnect
when this WAN connection is no longer in the highest priority and has entered the standby state.
When Remain connected is chosen, upon bringing up this WAN connection to active, it will be
immediately available for use.
With this option enabled, an idle connection will be disconnected after a specified minutes of
time. This time value specified is global and will affect all WAN profiles. The mobile connection
will re-establish on demand.
Please refer to Section 11.1.4 for details.
Reply to ICMP
If this field is disabled, the WAN connection will not respond to ICMP Ping requests.
By default, this is enabled.