User Manual

Peplink Balance Series - 65 / 182 - Copyright © 2011 Peplink
11.6 Dynamic DNS Settings
Peplink Balance provides the functionality to register the domain name relationships to dynamic DNS
service providers. Through registration with dynamic DNS service provider(s), the default public Internet
IP address of each WAN connection can be associated with a host name. With Dynamic DNS service
enabled for a WAN connection, you can connect to your WAN's IP address from the external even if its IP
address is dynamic. You have to register for an account from the listed dynamic DNS service providers
before enabling this option.
If the WAN connection's IP address is a reserved private IP address (i.e. behind a NAT router), the Public
IP of each WAN will be automatically reported to the DNS service provider.
Either upon a change in IP address or every 23 days without link reconnection, Peplink Balance will
connect to the dynamic DNS service provider to perform an IP address update within the provider’s
The settings for dynamic DNS service provider(s) and the association of host name(s) are configured via
Network > Interfaces > WAN:
Dynamic DNS Settings
Service Provider
This setting specifies the dynamic DNS service provider to be used for the WAN based
on supported dynamic DNS service providers:
Select Disabled to disable this feature.
User ID / User / Email
This setting specifies the registered user name for the dynamic DNS service.
Password / Pass / TZO
This setting specifies the password for the dynamic DNS service.
Hosts / Domain
This setting specifies a list of host names or domains to be associated with the public
Internet IP address of the WAN connection.
Important Note
In order to use dynamic DNS services, appropriate host name registration(s), as well as a valid account with a
supported dynamic DNS service provider are required.
A dynamic DNS update is performed whenever a WAN’s IP address changed. E.g. IP is changed after a DHCP IP
refresh, reconnection, etc.
Due to dynamic DNS service providers’ policy, a dynamic DNS host would expire automatically because the host
record was not updated for a long time. Therefore Peplink Balance performs an update every 23 days even if a
WAN’s IP address did not change.