User's Manual

Pepwave MAX and Surf User Manual 131 Copyri
ht @ 2015 Pepwave
5 GHz Channel
This drop-down menu selects the 5 GHz 802.11 channel to be utilized. If Auto is set, the
system will perform channel scanning based on the scheduled time set and choose the
most suitable channel automatically.
2.4 GHz Protocol This section displays the 2.4GHz protocols your APs are using.
2.4 GHz Channel
There are three options: 20 MHz, 20/40 MHz, and 40 MHz. With this feature enabled, the
Wi-Fi system can use two channels at once. Using two channels improves the
performance of the Wi-Fi connection.
2.4 GHz Channel
This drop-down menu selects the 802.11 channel to be utilized. Available options are
from 1 to 11 and from 1 to 13 for the North America region and Europe region,
respectively. (Channel 14 is only available when the country is selected as Japan with
protocol 802.11b.) If Auto is set, the system will perform channel scanning based on the
scheduled time set and choose the most suitable channel automatically.
This field specifies the VLAN ID to tag to management traffic, such as AP to AP
controller communication traffic. The value is 0 by default, meaning that no VLAN tagging
will be applied. NOTE: change this value with caution as alterations may result in loss of
connection to the AP controller.
Power Boost
With this option enabled, the AP under this profile will transmit using additional power.
Please note that using this option with several APs in close proximity will lead to
increased interference.
Output Power
This drop-down menu determines the power at which the AP under this profile will
broadcast. When fixed settings are selected, the AP will broadcast at the specified power
level, regardless of context. When Dynamic settings are selected, the AP will adjust its
power level based on its surrounding APs in order to maximize performance.
The Dynamic: Auto setting will set the AP to do this automatically. Otherwise, the
Dynamic: Manual setting will set the AP to dynamically adjust only of instructed to do
so. If you have set Dynamic:Manual, you can go to AP>Toolbox>Auto Power Adj. to
give your AP further instructions.
Beacon Rate
This drop-down menu provides the option to send beacons in different transmit bit rates.
The bit rates are 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5.5Mbps, 6Mbps, and 11Mbps.
Beacon Interval
This drop-down menu provides the option to set the time between each beacon send.
Available options are 100ms, 250ms, and 500ms.
This field provides the option to set the frequency for beacon to include delivery traffic
indication messages (DTIM). The interval unit is measured in milliseconds.
Slot Time
This field provides the option to modify the unit wait time before it transmits. The default
value is 9NjV.
ACK Timeout
This field provides the option to set the wait time to receive acknowledgement packet
before doing retransmission. The default value is 48NjV.
With this feature enabled, throughput will be increased by sending two or more data
frames in a single transmission.
- Advanced feature. Click the button on the top right-hand corner to activate.