user manual

Operators Guide
All OfficeRight DI200 models have a Manual Feeder M that allows you
to feed stapled sets of
up to three sheets,
one set at a time, for processing
by the machine.
Using the manual feeder
automatically turns off both sheet feeders
. You
can, however, use the manual feeder along with the envelope, insert, fold-
only and sealer selections to run a variety of jobs manually.
To use the manual feeder, set up the machine as you normally would for
the job youre running. The selections shown by the indicators for Sheet
Feeders A1 and/or A2 will be
by the machine. All other selections
apply to the manual job.
Feed stapled sets into the manual
feeder in the normal orientation for
sheets fed into the OfficeRight
DI200; that is,
face down
Take one stapled set and feed it gently
into the manual feed slot until the
machine automatically starts and draws
the set from you. The machine
processes the set and ejects it into the
stacker in the usual manner.
Be sure to feed the set in squarely. If you feed it in at an angle, a poor
fold or jam could result.
Feed the set into the machine gently. Very little force is needed.
The first set will
seal even if you set up the system to do so. This
trial feature allows you to inspect the processed job to make sure
that all pieces were inserted correctly and that the address appears in
the envelope window.
Manual Feed
The Manual Feeder M
CAUTION! Feeding more than three sheets in a set may
damage your machine.
Feed sets
face down,
bottom edge
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