Product Comparison

Pittsburgh Paints & Stains
offers a complete line of products
formulated to protect any wood type against rain, sun and mildew
stains for a beautiful, long-lasting  nish at any budget.
NEW WOODBrand new wood needs to be protected and sealed
PRESSURE-TREATED WOODEven pressure-treated wood needs
protection against rot and the harmful effects of weather, such as
water absorption, which can cause splitting, cracking or warping.
CEDAR AND REDWOODHigh quality woods like redwood and cedar
are still susceptible to the harmful effects of weather and also require
protection from fading, splitting, warping. These types of wood also
require a mildew resistant  nish to keep them looking beautiful.
Asset No.
MN596477_ExtWoodcare_ProjectGuide REMAY 84730
trim: 5.000
x 5.750
bleed: 0.125