user manual

Recommended PCs
16 Planar UltraRes User Manual
Setting Up NVIDIA Graphics Cards
1 Right click on the desktop and select NVIDIA Control Panel.
2 Under 3D Settings, select Manage 3D Settings.
3 Select the Program Settings tab.
4 In section 1, select the program for which its 3D capabilities will be used. If the
program is not listed, click Add and search for the programs .exe file.
5 In section 2, use the following settings:
a Stereo – Display mode = Horizontal interlaced stereo display
b Stereo – Enable = On
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each 3D-enabled application that you wish to use.
7 Click Apply.
8 Open the 3D application and perform application-specific 3D setup.
Recommended PCs
In order to use 4K video, it is crucial that you have a high-powered PC. We also
recommend using a single 4K output whenever possible. Doing so eliminates the
requirement of multi-output synchronization.