NAS-7200 2-Bay SATA NAS RAID Server User's Manual

4.6 Setup Menu - System Screen
This screen contains some basic information about your NAS. After initial configuration, no
changes should be required.
Name If you wish, you can change the name of the NAS Server. Note that
punctuation and other special characters (e.g. * " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + ? < > ' ` ( )
# $ %) cannot be used in the name.
Comment Enter a comment if you wish (e.g. the location of the NAS Server). Note
that special characters (e.g. | \ , ' : ") cannot be used in it.
Workgroup Name This should match the "Workgroup Name" on your PCs. If the
Workgroup name does not match, access to the NAS Server is still
possible, but the NAS Server will not appear when you click the "Browse
Network" button (for example, when adding a Network Printer). Note that
punctuation and other special characters (e.g. / ] \ [ : ; | = , + * ? " > < ' ` )
cannot be used in the name.
Printer Name Specify one name for the Printer Server. After you plug one printer into
one USB port, the Printer Name will occur in Network Neighborhood and
you can click it to install the Printer Server.