NAS-7200 2-Bay SATA NAS RAID Server User's Manual

Time Zone Select the correct time zone for your location.
Change System Date
and Time as
Check this box for data and time update. The date and time setting is
not sent to the server without check this box.
Local Date Enter the local date. The NAS Server will set it own calendar according
to the date you provide.
Local Time Enter the local time at your location. The NAS Server will set its own
clock according to the time you provide. Remember that this is not
sent to the Server until you click "OK".
Enable NTP If enabled, the NAS Server will synchronize its clock with a NTP (Network
Time Protocol) Server.
NTP Server Enter the domain name or IP address of the NTP server you wish to use. The
NTP server can be a public server (on the Internet) or a local server (on your
own network). Note that special characters (e.g. " / \ [ ] : ; | = , + * ? < > ' `)
cannot be used in it.
NTP Status This shows the status of the NTP update procedure.
Synchronize ... Select how often you want the NAS Server to synchronize its clock with the
specified NTP server. You can also specify the time of the next
synchronization. This allows you to specify that the synchronization should