NAS-7200 2-Bay SATA NAS RAID Server User's Manual

3. Configure this screen as follows:
IPP Server Enter the Internet IP address used to connect to the NAS, as follows.
IP_address represents the IP Address used to access the NAS. (As
explained earlier, this may be the Internet address of a Gateway,
rather than the NAS itself.)
Printer_name is the name of the printer, as set on the NAS System
The other text is fixed, and can NOT be changed. It must be entered
exactly as shown.
Proxy Server If Internet access from your PC is via a Proxy Server, check Access
IPP Server via Proxy Server, and enter details of your Proxy Server.
(These will be the same as your Browser configuration, so check your
Browser settings.)
4. Click Save to create the IPP port on your system. You will see the following dialog:
5. Either selects an existing printer to use the new port, and click OK.
a) Click the "Add New Printer" button to start the Add Printer wizard.
b) Complete the Wizard, installing the desired printer as a local printer on your PC.
c) When returned to this screen, select the new printer and click OK.
6. The selected printer is now associated with the remote NAS, and installation is complete.