User's Manual

WPA Mixed (WPA
Mixed Enterprise)
Figure 4-39
Security Settings
The security mode includes the following settings
Security Mode
network using
Select TKIP or AES
Radius Server
Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.
Radius Port
Default port is 1812.
Radius Secret
Specify RADIUS secret furnished by the
Group Key Update Interval
Specify how often, in seconds, the group key changes.
Radius Accounting
Select to enable or disable RADIUS accounting.
Radius Accounting Server
Specify the IP address of the RADIUS accounting server.
Radius Accounting Port
Specify the port number that your RADIUS accounting server uses for
authentication. Default port is
Radius Accounting Secret
Specify RADIUS accounting secret furnished by the RADIUS server.
Interim Accounting Interval
Specify the interim accounting interval (60
Manual of
Mixed Enterprise)
Security Settings
– WPA Mixed (WPA Mixed
The security mode includes the following settings
WPA Mixed from the drop-
down list to configure the wireless
network using
WPA Mixed encryption method.
Select TKIP or AES
, or both
as the encryption type.
Both: uses TKIP and AES.
TKIP: automatic encryption with WPA-
PSK; requires passphrase.
AES: automatic encryption with WPA2-
PSK; requires
Specify the IP address of the RADIUS server.
the port number that your RADIUS server
Default port is 1812.
Specify RADIUS secret furnished by the
RADIUS server.
Specify how often, in seconds, the group key changes.
Select to enable or disable RADIUS accounting.
Specify the IP address of the RADIUS accounting server.
Specify the port number that your RADIUS accounting server uses for
authentication. Default port is
Specify RADIUS accounting secret furnished by the RADIUS server.
Specify the interim accounting interval (60
600 seconds).
Save to save the settings.
Manual of
down list to configure the wireless
as the encryption type.
PSK; requires passphrase.
PSK; requires
the port number that your RADIUS server
uses for authentication.
RADIUS server.
Specify how often, in seconds, the group key changes.
Specify the IP address of the RADIUS accounting server.
Specify the port number that your RADIUS accounting server uses for
Specify RADIUS accounting secret furnished by the RADIUS server.
600 seconds).