User's Guide

K KARE Audio 1.002
Narrow Voiceify AI
Narrow Voiceify AI focuses its intelligibility algorithms on sounds in the 1kHz to
6kHz range. Narrow Voiceify AI also enables Voice Priority Surround Sound and
Calm Commercial Technology.
Wide Voiceify AI
Wide Voiceify AI applies AI algorithms to voices in the 0.5kHz to 8kHz range.
Wide Voiceify AI also enables Voice Priority SS and Calm Commercial
Full Voiceify AI
Full Voiceify AI applies AI algorithms to voices in the entire audio range. Full
Voiceify AI also enables Voice Priority SS and Calm Commercial Technology.
Calm Commercials
Calm Commercials is designed to reduce the sudden increase in volumes seen in
commercials and action scenes. Calm Commercial technology digitally modifies the
input signal volume to a standard full-scale audio level so that you can choose the best
level for you using the volume controls on the receiver, independent of the audio
Calm Commercials uses automatic gain control and dynamic range compressor
functions to improve listening quality. Automatic gain control dynamically adjusts the
volume of the entire input stream so that during loud portions of audio (such as
commercials) the volume is lowered automatically to match other parts of the
audio. Dynamic range compression further enhances voice quality by decreasing the
amplitude range of the audio signal to a smaller scope, making soft bits of the audio
louder which improves your ability to understand speech in the audio stream.
Calm Commercials supports mono, stereo, and multichannel audio. Calm Commercials
is optimized for digital volume variations.