Product Info

Sprinkles RF testing SOP
1. Connect FTDI cable to your computer and to the board following the attached picture for
2. Setup your favorite serial terminal to access the FTDI cable using the following settings:
baud = 115200, bytes = 8, parity = None, stop bits = 1.
3. Apply power by inserting jumper in the last two free pins in the header. The complete
setup should appear as in the picture bellow:
4. you should see something like the following in your terminal:
FW ver: 0.2. Built on: Oct 15 2018 at 10:16:42
RF Test Image
Chip: nRF52840 (0x52840)
Flash Size: 1024 KB
Dev Address Type: random
Reset reason: 4
Shell: on
After that, if you hit enter, you should see a prompt that looks like this:
[Note: The prompt doesn't really mean much for the RF test itself. But FYI, 0405 is the PAN id used. ffff
means that there is no PAN address associated with this device. Again, it's got nothing to do with the RF