User's Manual

detail toegelicht in de Source soware-handleiding. U kunt deze bekijken
door op het vraagtekenknopje rechts onderin het scherm te klikken.
Ì Aan het eind van het conguraeproces krijgt u een e-mail toegezonden.
Na het aanklikken van de acvaelink in deze e-mail is Source klaar voor
Ì Bewaar de installaelijst met de licenecode goed.
2. Installing Plugwise Source
It can take up to 10 minutes for all the Circles to be registered by the network.
If a Circle is not found by the network during the conguraon, you can add
it manually via the sengs menu. This process is explained in the Source
soware manual that appears if you click the queson mark buon at the
boom right of the Source window.
Plugwise Source is the soware applicaon that enables you to view
energy usage data on your computer. Its also used to create schedules
to automacally switch appliances on and o, so you can easily save on
energy costs. Before you install Source, make sure you have completed
the previous steps of this manual.
Ì Go to and download the installaon le. If you
use Internet Explorer, click ‘Run’ if you are asked whether you want to
run or save the le.
Ì Double click the installer le once it has been downloaded. A
soware wizard will guide you through the installaon process.
Ì When Source has been installed, the Plugwise network conguraon
wizard will be shown.
Ì Plug the Sck into a USB socket on your computer aer Source has
been installed.
When a Windows dialogue box appears with the tle ‘unknown
manufacturer, click ‘allow’ to connue your installaon.
3. Conguring the
Plugwise network
Aer the installaon of Source has been completed, the conguraon
wizard starts up automacally. You can start the conguraon wizard
manually with the shortcut in your Windows menu ‘Start’.
Ì The wizard will guide you through a number of screens to enter data
in order to set up your network. The Source soware manual oers
support for every step taken by the conguraon wizard. The manual
appears if you click the queson mark buon at the boom right of the
Ì At the end of the conguraon procedure, you will receive an e-mail.
Aer clicking the acvaon link in that e-mail, Source and your Plugwise
network are ready for use!
Ì Keep the installaon list with the license code in a safe place for
future use.