User's Manual

Equipment maintenance
switched on
OffSet a specific time, when the time arrives, the phone will be pro
mpted whether to turn it off, after 30 seconds, if no choice, the phon
e automatically shut down
miscellaneous function
Can be set to mobile phone perform auxiliary functions
Developer options
Can to the operation of the phone system, open the USB debugging plug
USB connection peas / 91 assistant download APK application, etc
About phone
Show a mobile phone version of the system and hardware information
22. People
In the main menu, click the address book, enter the contact menu, and can
give the address book contacts to make calls, send messages, etc
Create a contact
1. In the main screen, click the address book, enter the contact menu
2. Press the "+" input contact information click on the corresponding items
3. Click finish after input to complete the related information, save the
Equipment maintenance
Search contacts
You can search in the unit name, last name and company name in the
Search contacts: in the "address book", gently press any contacts list at the
top of the search bar, and then input search content
23. FM
Choose FM radio, will enter the radio broadcast interface (need to insert the
headset to listen to)
Channel list: storage channel, can be to manually edit channel
Settings: set the background, cell phone speakers on or off; Can also set
the recording format, sound quality, storage location and channel effects
Collection list: into the list view collection channels
24. Play store
You can download it from play store is directly applied to your phone
downloading an app
When you find the application in the play store, you can choose to
download. Once downloaded an application, it will be installed on a mobile
View your application download status: started to download the application,
its icon will appear in the status bar drop-down menu, you can choose to
view the download progress