Instructions / Assembly

wide so you will have room at the overlap. Remember to work continuously without stopping and remember that 2 coats
is necessary for the out of bounds area as well. Once second coat has fully dried you are ready to apply the line paint. Use
3” masking tape on both sides of the 2” line to give you a good border. Use a paint brush to apply the line paint. 2 coats is
not necessary but 2 coats will give you a must longer life to the lines. If you apply 2 coats make sure first is dry prior to
applying second coat. The entire surface shall be checked for ridges and imperfections after each filler coat and scraped
smooth and cleaned of all loose debris. Care must be taken to insure a smooth and uniform texture, free from ridges and
tool marks, as the final coat is not to be scraped. Allow 24 hours prior to using court.
Limitations and Precautions
PlushColor should not be applied when ambient temp is below 50° F or when surface temp is above 140° F.
Do not apply when rain is imminent.
Do not store in direct sunlight.
Keep from freezing.
PlushColor should be allowed to cure for 24 hours before courts are opened for use.
New asphalt should cure for at least 14 days; concrete shall cure for 28 days.
Concrete must be acid washed and sealed prior to coating with PlushColor.
PlushColor will not prevent structural cracking from occurring.
Do Not apply over Coal Tar emulsions
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Available for purchase on
Dalton Enterprises, Inc.
Shipping from CT, FL, CA & WI
Instrucciones de aplicación PlushColor®
Descripción y uso: PlushColor es un recubrimiento 100% acrílico, resistente a la intemperie y resistente a la intemperie,
para uso en mezclas de asfalto, asfalto emulsionado y superficies de concreto adecuadas. PlushColor proporciona una
superficie resistente y duradera de textura uniforme que permanece flexible. PlushColor fue específicamente diseñado para
su uso en canchas de tenis cubiertas y al aire libre, canchas de básquetbol, áreas recreativas de alto tráfico y varios otros
usos. A diferencia de otros sistemas de revestimiento acrílico, cada capa de PlushColor está completamente pigmentada, lo
que da como resultado un color más rico, duradero y profundo.