Use Instructions

Initial Device Setup
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Angled gas connector
An angled connector is available to reduce the depth needed for the installation of
the device. This connector includes the exchangeable sinter filter and allows the
use of the different gas supply adapters described below as well.
Fig.4–3Connecting the gas supply to
the angled gas connector
4.4.1 Connecting a Gas Bottle
Keep filled CO
bottle on hand
Always keep a filled CO
bottle on hand ready for replacement. This avoids having
to interrupt surgery due to a lack of insufflation gas (see ChapterGas Connection
High-pressure hose
Always use a high-pressure hose to connect gas bottle and device.
The gas bottle must be in a vertical position. The gas bottle pressure may not ex-
ceed 80bar/1160.3psi or be less than 15bar/217.5psi.
Gas bottles with riser pipe
Gas bottles with riser pipe can release dirt and oily fluids into the device. Do not
use a gas bottle with riser pipe.
High-pressure hoses
The following high-pressure hoses are available:
High-Pressure Hose Device US/Bottle DIN
High-Pressure Hose Device US/Bottle ISO
High-Pressure Hose Device US/Bottle PIN Index
Installation High-Pressure Hoses with PIN Connector
Connect or loosen to the device using the open-end wrench size 14mm.
Connect or loosen to the gas bottle with your hand.
High-Pressure Hoses with DIN Connector
Connect or loosen to the device using the open-end wrench size 14mm.
Connect or loosen to the gas bottle using the open-end wrench size 30mm.
High-Pressure Hoses with ISO Connector
Connect or loosen to the device using the open-end wrench size 14mm.
Connect or loosen to the gas bottle using the open-end wrench size 32mm.