Use Instructions

Care and Maintenance
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Ask the service technician for a certificate after he or she has inspected the unit or
performed any service tasks. This certificate lists the type and scope of the service
as well as the date and name of the servicing company together with the signature
of the service technician.
Risk of electrical shock
To prevent electrical shock, do not open this device. Never open this device your-
self. Notify the authorized service technicians of any required repairs.
Modification of the device
This device may not be modified without the permission of the manufacturer.
Modified device
If the device is modified, suitable examinations and tests must be carried out to en-
sure further safe use of the device.
9.4 Replacing the Fuse
Replace the fuse
Before replacing the fuse, check the values for the fuse to be inserted in accordance
with Chapter Technical Data [
The fuse may be defective and is in need of replacement if:
displays and LEDs (if available on your equipment) do not light up,
the device does not function.
Check to make sure
the main power supply cable is properly connected to the power supply input
and to a safety socket,
the house power supply fuse is functioning.
Checking the fuse
Unplug the power cable from the device before checking the fuse.