Reading Books 32
To install TTS package, do the following:
Download package (.pbi extension le) from website
Connect the Device to PC and copy TTS package le
to applications folder of the internal storage
Open Main panel Applications section, run package
le and conrm installation
After install open Conguration > Speech Synthesis >
Language and Voice and select package to use. Also in this sec-
tion you can set up speed and tone of speech.
Adds current page to bookmarks. After adding a page to book-
marks in a right top corner a dog ear mark will appear.
All the bookmarks will be displayed in contents. To delete
bookmark, select the correspondent menu item again.
NOTE Bookmarks are not available for DjVu books
Open Page
Opens dialog window, where you can enter page number to go
to or select one of the recent transitions.
For FB2, TXT, RTF, HTML, PRC and CHM books you can set up
the most convenient reading settings: font, font size (you can
adjust font size with Up/Down navigation keys), spacing, page