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Trigger Time Control
Reasons Why You Need a PocketWizard MultiMAX Transceiver
Photography) Because some events take a
long period of time, photographing them
as they unfold can be a real challenge,
especially when you can’t be there. In
Intervalometer mode, selecting the desired
number of exposures, (up to 10,000) and
time between exposures (up to 17 hours
46 minutes) takes just a few key strokes.
5. SPEEDCYCLER MODE: If speed and
power are what you need, the SpeedCycler
mode is a big help for you. Providing
sequential triggering for up to 4 cameras
or 4 electronic flash units, the SpeedCycler
is ideal for multi-angle camera shots or
reducing recycle time by triggering the
next flash in line, while the previous flashes
are recycling. It’s great for faster motor
driven flash photography assignments.
The SpeedCycler mode is also a big help
for on-location shoots with battery-
powered electronic flash units. With four
MultiMAX Transceivers connected to a
camera’s electronic shutter release (motor
drive) port, up to four cameras can be
sequentially fired wirelessly, effectively
quadrupling the frames per second.
riggering multiple cameras to synch
with one set of flash units can be difficult,
but Lag Time Equalizer mode assists
the photographer in calibrating the
camera, electr
onic flash unit or both for
simultaneous triggering and exposure
synchronizing. Lag Time Equalizer mode
es the actual time it takes from
the moment the motor driven camera is
activated to the time the shutter is open
with accuracy of 1/10,000th sec. When all
the delay times have been programmed,
the MultiMAX triggers the camera with the
greatest delay first, so that ever
ything is
fectly in synch.
7. RELAY MODE: In this mode the
MultiMAX acts as both a transmitter and a
receiver at the same time, triggering both
your camera and flash from up to 1600
feet away. Upon receiving a signal from a
emote transmitter
, the on-camera receiver
switches to transmit mode and sends a
signal to fir
e the r
emote flash units.
4. Using a MultiMAX in intervalometer mode and connected to a motor driven
camera, several images were taken automatically with 30 min gaps between
ach exposure. The final result is an example of the time lapse photography
apabilities of the MultiMAX.
. To create this challenging image, two MultiMAX wireless radios were
connected to two flash units mounted in one light box. Each flash unit
triggered at precisely the right time to create a “front” and "rear" curtain
synch effect. An ambient light source was added to “paint” light on the
model’s movements.
©2002 Jack Bingham
©Howard Schatz