Operating Manual

reverse your transmit and receive frequencies.
This is indicated in the LCD on the radio with an R in the top row, next to the plus and minus for the offset direction.
For a complete reference on available menu items and parameters, see Appendix C, Shortcut Menu operations.
Note: in channel mode, the setting of these features is not possible: CTCSS/ DCS tones, wide/narrow bandwidth, PTT-ID,
Busy channel lock out, channel name edit.
7.1 Basic use
Using the menu with arrow keys
a. Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu.
b. Use the / keys to navigate between menu items.
c. Once you find the desired menu item, press [MENU] again to select that menu item.
d. Use the /▼ keys to select the desired parameter.
e. When you've selected the parameter you want to set for a given menu item;
a). To confirm your selection, press [MENU] and it will save your setting and bring you back to the main menu.
b). To cancel your changes, press [Back] and it will reset that menu item and bring you out of the menu entirely.
f. To exit out of the menu at any time, press the [Back] key.
7.2 Using short-cuts
As you may have noticed if you looked at Appendix C, Shortcut Menu operations, every menu item has a numerical value
associated with it. These numbers can be used for direct access of any given menu item.
The parameters also have a number associated with them, see Appendix C, Shortcut Menu operations for details.
Using the menu with short-cuts
a. Press the [MENU] key to enter the menu.
b. Use the numerical keypad to enter the number of the menu item.
c. To enter the menu item, press the [MENU] key.