Operating Manual

b. Use the numerical keypad to enter the number of the menu item.
c. To enter the menu item, press the [MENU] key.
d. For entering the desired parameter you have two options:
a). Use the arrow keys as we did in the previous section; or
b). Use the numerical keypad to enter the numerical short-cut code.
e. And just as in the previous section;
a). To confirm your selection, press [MENU] and it will save your setting and bring you back to the main menu.
b). To cancel your changes, press [EXIT] and it will reset that menu item and bring you out of the menu entirely.
f. To exit out of the menu at any time, press the [EXIT] key.
g. All further examples and procedures in this manual will use the numerical menu short- cuts.
7.3 Functions and operations
(1) Squelch level (SQL) - MENU No.0
Thanks to this function you can adjust the squelch in 10 different levels:
level 0: opened squelch. With this setting, UV5R PRO will detect all signals, also the weakest ones, but will also receive the
background noise or undesired signals.
levels 1- 9: level 1 (lowest squelch level), level 9 (highest squelch level).
If the squelch is set to the highest level, the radio will receive the strongest signals only.
(2) Step frequency (STEP) - MENU No.1
This function lets you select the desired frequency step.
The selectable steps are the following: 2.5/5.0/6.25/10.0/12.5/20.0/25.0/50.0 KHz
Note: in channel mode, this function cannot be modified.