Operating Manual

452.5875 MHz and 155.550 MHz, but can transmit on 452.5875 MHz only.
While if you choose option B, 155.550MHz is the tx frequency band and 452.5875MHz is the rx frequency band. In the upper
VFO 452.5875 MHz will be displayed while the lower VFO will show 155.550 MHz; you can receive on both 452.5875 MHz
and 155.550 MHz, but transmit on 155.550 MHz only. Example: the LCD displays
(36) Side tone elimination (STE) - Menu No. 35
This feature is helpful to eliminate the annoying audio tone after the transmission is finished (end transmission noise
(37) Side tone elimination in communication through repeater (RP-STE) - Menu No. 36
This function is used when the radio operates through a repeater; when the PTT is released, the repeater will emit the end
transmission tone to confirm it is working.
Available settings:
OFF 1,2,3,4,5,….10 to set the delay time.
Note: Please disable this function in normal using, lest affect your normal conversation.
(38) Delay time of side tone elimination in communication through repeater (RPT-RL) - Menu No.37