User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Team2 Help EN
Continuous Intermittent Strength
Swimming Football Gym
Walking Ice hockey BodyPump
Skiing Up/Downhill running
Roller-skating Rugby
Running Alpine skiing
Each training activity can have an individual color. If each training activity or test has its own
individual color, it is easier for you to visualize your team's training calendar. Activities are shown
in the calendar as color boxes.
Training activities have sub-activities, sessions. For example, a gym could have 60 min workout
and 45 min workout sessions. Sessions are managed in
Session management.
Training activities and phases can be removed, added and modified.
To modify training activity, select the activity from the list on the left and change its name,
color or type.
To add new training activity, click Add button (below the list on left), type in the name for
the training activity, select the type from drop-down list and select a color by clicking the
color box next to name input field.
To remove training activity, select the activity from the list on the left and click the Delete
button. Activity is removed without confirmation!
To add a phase for a training activity, select the training activity from the list on the left
and click the Add button below the Training activity phases list. Type in the name for
the phase. See also
more information on phases.
To change the name for a phase, select the phase from the phase list and change the
name in an input field on the right.
To remove a phase, select the phase from the list on the right and click the Delete
button. Phase is removed without confirmation!
To change the color for a training activity, select the activity from the list on the left. Click
on the color box on the right, next to training activity input field. Select a color. Colors
help the trainer to visualize a training calendar if each training activity or test has its own
individual color.
To select a type for a training activity, select the activity from the list on the left. Select a
type from drop-down list on the right, below training activity input field.
The fourth tab is for Tests. Tests are like training activities. Tests are used the same way as
training activities. The difference is that if a test is selected as a training session subject, the Test
Results window can be opened from the main menu during online training. Tests can be added,
removed and modified.
To add new test click Add button, type in name for the test and select a color.
To remove test select the test from the list and click Delete button. Test is removed
without confirmation!
To modify a test select the test from the list and change the name or the color.
The fifth tab is for Players. All the team's players are listed in this tab. Player tab has 5 sub-tabs,
General, Values, Transmitter, Polar Training Computer and Notes. When information in any