User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Training reports
Training Reports
Training Reports opens by clicking the fourth page tab. Training reports is tool for analyzing,
printing and sharing. Report creation criteria can be saved as quick searches. Training reports'
content consists of graphs.
When the Training Reports page is opened, only the creation area is shown. Other elements are
displayed after a training report is created.
Creation Area
The upper part of the page is the creation area. On the left is the Training reports box that lists
all previously-saved training reports. The first two drop-down menus, Bar graph and Line graph,
are for selecting what kind of information is to be displayed as bar graphs and as line graphs. At
least one of the two has to be selected. The following types of training information can be
displayed as bar and line graphs.
Bar graph: Training session count, Energy expenditure, Training load, Training load in
sport zones, Training load and recovery, Training duration, Time in sport zones, Number
of heart beats.
Line graph: Training session count, Energy expenditure, Training load, Average heart
rate, Maximum heart rate, Number of heart beats, Training duration.
The third drop-down menu is for selecting Training activity. The options are the training activities
that are in the system for selected team. After training activity has been selected, it is possible to
select a certain phase. The listed phases are the phases of selected training activity.
Training reports are created for limited a date range. Date range is selected by choosing either
Search by date, Search by period or Quick search. Each option enables an additional menu.
Search by date enables the Start date and End Date menus, which enable you to select
the starting and ending dates. By default, the start date and end date are today's date.
Search by period enables a drop-down menu that lists all the team's training periods in
the system.
Quick search enables a drop-down list that includes typical date ranges from Yesterday
to 12 months ago.
Search is performed by clicking the Create button.
Player List Area
The player list area is on the left. The player list is created based on the created training report.
Players are sorted by player groups. The team's name is displayed above the player list.
Players can be selected and deselected by checking the box. Either one or several players can
be selected. Checking the All players box selects all the players from the selected training
session. Players can also be selected by player groups. Checking player group's box selects all
the players in that group. Each selected player has a color bar that indicates the player's color in
the graphs.