User manual

Activity bar - fills up as you move
To go - what's left to do to reach your
TO GO stands for the options how you can reach your daily
activity goal. It tells you how much longer you need to be act-
ive if you choose low, medium or high intensity activities.
You have one goal, but a number of ways to achieve it.
The daily activity goal can be reached at low, medium or high
intensities. In the Polar Loop 2, UP means low intensity,
WALK means medium intensity, and JOG means high intens-
ity. You can find more examples for low, medium and high
intensity activities at the Polar Flow web service and mobile
app and choose your way to reach your goal.
JOG stands for high intensity activity like jogging, exercise
class, rope skipping, basketball, football, tennis, handball or
Polar Loop 2 displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if
you do high intensity activities.
WALK stands for medium intensity activity like walking,
mowing the lawn, circuit training, bowling, skateboarding,
gentle dancing, gentle swimming or table tennis.
Polar Loop 2 displays the time remaining to reach your goal, if
you do medium intensity activities.