User Manual

Ignore specifies that the servo should initially be off, but that its value should not change on
Go to specifies a default position for the servo. The servo target will be set to this position on
start-up or when an error occurs.
Speed. This option specifies the speed of the servo in units of 0.25 μs / (10 ms). For example, with a
speed of 4, the position will change by at most 1 μs per 10 ms, or 100.00 μs/s. Mini Maestro 12, 18,
and 24 only: If you use a period other than the default 20 ms, the units of speed are different. See
below for more information.
Acceleration. This option specifies the acceleration of the servo in units of
(0.25 μs) / (10 ms) / (80 ms). For example, with an acceleration of 4, the speed of the servo will
change by a maximum of 1250 μs/s every second. Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 only: If you use
a period other than the default 20 ms, the units of acceleration are different. See below for more
8-bit neutral. This option specifies the target value, in microseconds, that corresponds to 127 (neutral)
for 8-bit commands.
8-bit range. This option specifies the range of target values accesible with 8-bit commands. An 8-bit
value of 0 results in a target of neutral range, while an 8-bit value of 254 results in a target value of
neutral + range.
Advanced pulse control options are available:
Period is an advanced option that sets the period of all of the servo pulses, in milliseconds. This is the
amount of time between successive pulses on a given channel. If you are unsure about this option,
leave it at the default of 20 ms. Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24 only: the units of speed and acceleration
depend on the pulse rate. The units depend only on Period, not on Period multiplier. Please refer to
the following table for the relationship between Period and speed/acceleration units:
Period (T) Rate Speed units Acceleration units
T = 20 ms 50 Hz (0.25 μs)/(10 ms) (0.25 μs)/(10 ms)/(80 ms)
T = 3–19 ms > 50 Hz (0.25 μs)/T (0.25 μs)/T/(8T)
T > 20 ms < 50 Hz (0.25 μs)/(T/2) (0.25 μs)/(T/2)/(4T)
Servos available is an advanced option for the Micro Maestro only specifying the number of channels
that may be used to control servos. For example, if this value is set to 4, only the channels 0–3 will be
available as servo channels. The other channels must all be set to Input or Output. The only reasons
Pololu Maestro Servo Controller User’s Guide © 2001–2017 Pololu Corporation
4. Using the Maestro Control Center Page 32 of 99