User Manual

Allowed pulse ranges at 333 Hz:
Servos Min Max
6 64 2328
6 192 2648
12 64 1752
12 384 2456
6/6 384/64 2072
18 64 1176
18 576 2264
24 768 2072
Allowed pulse ranges at 250 Hz:
Servos Min Max
6 64 3000+
12 64 2752
12 384 3000+
6/6 384/64 3000+
18 64 2176
18 576 3000+
12/6 576/64 2880
24 64 1600
24 768 3000+
18/6 768/64 2688
On the Mini Maestro 12, 18, and 24, pulse rates of 200–333 Hz put restrictions on the servo pulse
lengths. These restrictions apply to all servo channels, even if some are set to a lower pulse rate using
the Period multiplier feature.
The following tables show allowed minimum and maximum pulse lengths, in microseconds, for a
variety of combinations of pulse rates and servo numbers. All enabled servos must always satisfy
the restrictions on some table row, so the easiest way to follow the restrictions is to pick a row, then
configure minimums and maximums for specific channels according to the restrictions given in that
row. However, you do not need to specify the ranges of your servos in advance: you can switch
some channels off or adjust their positions to access a wider range on other channels. If your settings
happen to violate these restrictions, the servo period might increase and the units of speed and
acceleration limits will change accordingly, but the operation of the Maestro will not be affected in any
other way.
For example, with a Mini Maestro 24 running at 250 Hz (a 4 ms period), you may use 12 servos with a
range of 576–2880 μs and 6 servos with a range of 64–2880 μs. The remaining 6 channels must each
be off or have their mode set to Input or Output (not Servo).
Pololu Maestro Servo Controller User’s Guide © 2001–2017 Pololu Corporation
9. Maestro Settings Limitations Page 96 of 99