User Manual

This library allows you to easily control the LED(s) on the 3pi robot [
975], Orangutan SV-xx8 [], Orangutan LV-168 [
product/775], and Baby Orangutan B []. On the Orangutan SV-xx8 and
LV-168, there are two user LEDs are on the top side of the PCB with the red LED on the bottom left
and the green LED on the top right. On the 3pi, there are two user LEDs on the bottom side of the PCB
with the red LED on the right (when looking at the bottom) and the green LED on the left. Additional
LEDs included with the 3pi may be soldered in on the top side (in parallel with the surface-mount LEDs
on the underside) for easier viewing. The Baby Orangutan has a single red LED and no green LED.
Note that the red LED is on the same pin as the UART0 serial transmitter (PD1), so if you are using
UART0 for serial transmission then the red LED commands will not work, and you will see the red
LED blink briefly whenever data is transmitted on UART0. Note that the green LED is on the same pin
as an LCD control pin; the green LED will blink briefly whenever data is sent to the LCD, but the two
functions will otherwise not interfere with each other.
You do not need to initialize your OrangutanLEDs object before use. All initialization is performed
automatically when needed.
All of the methods in this class are static; you should never have more than one instance of an
OrangutanLEDs object in your sketch.
Programming Orangutans and the 3pi Robot from the Arduino
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5. Arduino Libraries for the Orangutan and 3pi Robot Page 53 of 66