Polycom Soundstation 2W- User Guide

SoundStation2W™ Administrator Guide - 32
Change the passcode:
1. From the Admin Setup menu,
choose Passcode using the Scroll-
ing buttons and press the Select
2. Press the CHANGE soft key, enter
the current passcode, and press the
ENTER soft key. If you decide not
to change the password, press the
CANCEL soft key or the Exit button.
If you enter an incorrect pass-
word, you will be notified to try
If you make an error, press the
<DEL soft key to erase the error.
3. You will be prompted to enter a
new passcode. Enter a new pass-
code and press the SAVE soft key.
You may press the CANCEL soft key
or the Exit button if you choose not
to save the passcode.
You can assign a location name, such as “Conference Room
B” and the telephone number associated with your Sound-
Station2W™. By assigning a location name you will easily
be able to return the phone to its “home room” location or
determine the location of the matching base station.
Record the passcode. If the passcode is forgot-
ten, contact Polycom Support at http://esupport.
Location Information
2. Press the REMOVE soft key, enter
the current passcode, and press the
ENTER soft key. If you decide not
to remove the password, press the
CANCEL soft key or the Exit button.
If you enter an incorrect pass-
word, you will be notified to try
If you make an error, press the
<DEL soft key to erase the error.