Polycom Soundstation 2W- User Guide

SoundStation2W™ Administrator Guide - 41
IMPORTANT: The antenna used for this
transmitter must be installed to provide a
separation distance of at least 20 centi-
meters from all persons and must not be
co-located or operating in conjunction with
any other antenna or transmitter.
Exhibit J - Customer Information
CE Mark R and TTE Directive
This SoundStation2W has been marked
with the CE mark. This mark indicates
compliance with EEC Directives
1999/5/EC. A full copy of the Declaration
of Conformity can be obtained from
Polycom Ltd, 270 Bath Road, Slough,
Berkshire, SL1 4DX, UK.
Declaration of Conformity:
Hereby, Polycom Ltd. declares that this
SoundStation2W is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
Hermed erklærer Polycom Ltd., at in-
destående SoundStation2W er i overens-
stemmelse med de grundlæggende krav og
de relevante punkter i direktiv 1999/5/EF.
Hiermit erklärt Polycom Ltd., dass der
SoundStation2W die grundlegenden
Anforderungen und sonstige maßgebliche
Bestimmungen der Richtlinie 1999/5/EG
Δήλωση Συµµόρφωσης:
Δια του παρόντος, η εταιρεία Polycom
Ltd. δηλώνει ότι η παρούσα συσκευή
(δρομολογητής) SoundStation2W πληροί
τις βασικές απαιτήσεις και άλλες βασικές
προϋποθέσεις της Οδηγίας 1999/5/ΕK.
Polycom Ltd. vakuuttaa täten, että
SoundStation2W on direktiivin 1999/5/EC
keskeisten vaatimusten ja sen muiden tätä
koskevien säännösten mukainen.
Déclaration de conformité :
Par la présente, Polycom Ltd. déclare
que ce SoundStation2W est conforme
aux conditions essentielles et à toute
autre modalité pertinente de la Directive
Dichiarazione di conformità:
Con la presente Polycom Ltd. dichiara che
il SoundStation2W soddisfa i requisiti
essenziali e le altre disposizioni pertinenti
della direttiva 1999/5/CE.
Verklaring van overeenstemming:
Hierbij verklaart Polycom Ltd. dat diens
SoundStation2W voldoet aan de basisv-
ereisten en andere relevante voorwaarden
van EG-richtlijn 1999/5/EG.
Declaração de Conformidade:
Através da presente, a Polycom Ltd. de-
clara que este SoundStation2W se encontra
em conformidade com os requisitos es-
senciais e outras disposições relevantes da
Directiva 1999/5/CE.
Declaración de conformidad:
Por la presente declaración, Polycom Ltd.
declara que este SoundStation2W cumple
los requisitos esenciales y otras cláusulas
importantes de la directiva 1999/5/CE.
Polycom Ltd. förklarar härmed att denna
SoundStation2W överensstämmer med
de väsentliga kraven och övriga relevanta
stadganden i direktiv 1999/5/EG.