User's Manual

Sends mode – Pre-fader, Post-fader (sets if the Send Fx works in pre or post-
fader manner),
Hexadecimal numbers – On, Off (sets sequence step enumeration in decimal or
hexadecimal values),
Pads preview – Off, Track, Pattern (sets visual feedback on of the sequence
displayed on the pads).
MIDI with all the input/output MIDI implemented controls available:
Clock In – Internal, USB, MIDI In jack,
Clock Out – Off, USB, MIDI Out jack, USB + MIDI Out, jack,
Transport In – Off, USB, MIDI In jack, USB + MIDI In jack,
Transport Out – Off, USB, MIDI Out jack, USB + MIDI Out jack,
Notes in mode – Off, USB, MIDI In jack, USB + MIDI Out jack,
Notes In channel – All, Ch1 to Ch16,
MIDI Out mode – Off, USB, MIDI Out jack, USB + MIDI Out jack,
MIDI Out mode – Off, USB, MIDI Out jack, USB + MIDI Out jack,
MIDI Out mode – Off, USB, MIDI Out jack, USB + MIDI Out jack,
CC/PC Out channel – outputs from Ch1 to Ch16,
CC Out – CC from A to E with available communicate numbers from 1 to 127,
Metronome: State (on/off), Pre Roll (on/off), Time signature num & denum (from 1 to
12), Volume (from 0 to 100).
Firmware: check the current version, update firmware version and perform the Config
reset if needed.
Manual: view the onboard Polyend Tracker Quick-Start.
Polyend Tracker is equipped with a bidirectional MIDI (class-compliant over USB)
implementation and is both able to control and be controlled with external MIDI gear. Its
internal PPQN resolution is 192.
Notice that MIDI Clock is being sent out based on the current tempo, so synchronizing
anything over MIDI while using Tempo step Fx will affect the MIDI sync with other
Note: In any of the Tracker sections – Press Shift + on/off button to take a screenshot which
will get saved directly to the SD card.