User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 20/46
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6 User guide of the IE gun application
6.1 Starting and stopping
a) Launching the program IE Gun
Make sure the drivers have been installed before launching the program for the first
Make sure the serial connection between the control rack and the computer is
established before lauching the program.
1. Find the executable program "IE Gun.exe" in the "IE Gun" folder on the computer desktop.
2. Turn on the rack.
3. Launch the executable program.
4. Wait for the following window to appear:
5. Select the proper COM port.
6. The program is now ready to start operating the source, provided all connections are in place.
Make sure that all cables are connected to the source before turning on any high
voltage or any UHF power
b) Stopping the program IE gun
1. If the source is switched on, click on the “Source On” button to switch of the source. This will set
all parameter values to zero and disable all signals to the source (UHF power, high voltages, gas