User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 21/46
Polygon Physics SAS au capital social de 72 000 euros - 19, rue de Sassenage - 38600 Fontaine
SIREN 799 584 453 RCS Grenoble - TVA intracommunautaire FR 19 799584453 - APE 2899B
2. Click on "Stop All". The Labview program stops and the rack is switched off.
3. Switch off the power button the rack.
Never leave the program running when the rack is off in order to avoid any hardware
Now the computer can be turned off without any risk of hardware damage.
c) Disabling of the equipment components
The "Emergency stop" button is the way to stop all IE-GUN components in one click. All parameter
values will be set to zero.
d) Enabling of the equipment components
First switch on the source by clicking on the “source off” button. It becomes green and reads “source
If the source is properly switched on, the Rack state” indicator and “interlock” indicator should switch
to green.
To enable the equipment components there are two buttons: one for the UHF power generator, and
one or both high voltage power supplies.
This software emergency stop button is not a safety function, it is just a quick way to
stop all operations in case of abnormal functional behavior of the ion source.