User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 31/46
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7 Serial communication remote control
This section lists the available elementary functions that can be integrated into the customer’s
software for driving the ion source.
RS232 protocol
1. Baud rate: 115200
2. Parity check: no parity
3. Stop bit: 1 stop bit
4. Format: 8 bits
5. End of line character: <cr>
7.1 Starting up
Switch on the electronics rack. Wait about 30 seconds for microcontroller initialization.
Use the command « set rack_state 1 » to initialize the electronics cards inside the rack and start data
acquisition. It takes few seconds before the microcontroller returns the ACK character <cr>.
Set the current limits of the beam and focus high voltage power supplies by using the commands
« set imaxbeam <value> » and « set imaxfocus <value> » where <value> is the maximum allowed
supplied current. By default, these limits are set to 0 and no voltage is delivered by the HV power
supplies whatever the voltages set by the user.
Once it is done, the source is ready to be operated.
if the command « set rack_state 0 » is used or the rack switched off, the current limits
must be set again. These limits are used to detect short circuits, for more details see
the « HV security » part.