User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 33/46
Polygon Physics SAS au capital social de 72 000 euros - 19, rue de Sassenage - 38600 Fontaine
SIREN 799 584 453 RCS Grenoble - TVA intracommunautaire FR 19 799584453 - APE 2899B
7.3 Changing a device state with <set> < devicename_state>
Important i: <value> is an integer and can take only two values: 0 or 1
Important ii: there is a delay of few seconds before the microcontroller returns the ACK
character when the commands <set> < beampolar_state> <value><cr> or <set> <
beampolar_state> <value><cr> are used because the voltages are first set to 0 using a ramp.
set rack_state 1
- Initialize the electronics
cards used for control and
-Starts log files recording
-Starts data recording
set rack_state 0
- Stops the electronics cards
used for control and
- Stops data recording
Once this command used,
the rack is in idle state. Use
the command set
rack_state 1 to use again
the source.
set hf_state 1
set hf_state 0
Switch one (1) or switch off
(0) HF generator.
set beam_state 1
set beam_state 0
Switch one (1) or switch off
(0) HV beam.
set focus_state 1
set focus_state 0
Switch one (1) or switch off
(0) HV focus.
set beampolar_state 1
set beampolar_state 0
Allows switching of the HV
beam power supply between
positive polarity (0) and
negative polarity (1).
Beam and focus voltages
are first set to 0, then
polarity is changed.
set focuspolar_state 1
set beampolar_state 0
Allows switching of the HV
focus power supply between
positive polarity (0) and
negative polarity (1).
Beam and focus voltages
are first set to 0, then
polarity is changed.
set focuspolar_state2 1
set focuspolar_state2 0
Allows switching of the HV
focus power supply between
positive polarity (0) and
negative polarity (1) without
changing the beam voltage.
Only focus voltages is set to
0, then polarity is changed.