User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 44/46
Polygon Physics SAS au capital social de 72 000 euros - 19, rue de Sassenage - 38600 Fontaine
SIREN 799 584 453 RCS Grenoble - TVA intracommunautaire FR 19 799584453 - APE 2899B
Voltage reading stays
to 0kV when changing
the high voltage
HV button is not ON
Make sure to click on the high voltage ON
Make sure to click outside the setpoint
adjustment box
Press enter after changing the setpoint
The Labview software
Rack is not powered,
RS232 connection
Make sure the rack is powered
Restart the program
8.3 Maintenance plan
There are no wearing parts. There are no advised periodical maintenances. The ion source runs to fail
until its performance gets unstable because of contamination accumulation on surfaces, then it is
cleaned/refurbished. Please refer to the refurbish section.
In case of early failure of a defective part, please contact Polygon Physics.
8.4 Spare part list
No temporisation
There are no wearing parts, but some critical parts can fail. Below is the list of part kits to be ordered
to PP for repair.
Critical parts kits
PP reference
- 0.35mm CuNi plasma electrode
- 1mm Mo focus electrode
- 1mm Stainless steel ground electrode
8.5 Ion source refurbishing information
The refurbishing of the ion source is a combination of cleaning and exchanging the parts that cannot
be cleaned such as insulators or the electrodes. Cleaning is done by mechanical and solvent removal
of the contamination layers deposited on stainless steel parts. Cleanroom grade tissue is required for
drying the parts after cleaning. Baking the parts in oven at 150degC is advised to dry the parts for
faster outgassing in the vacuum chamber. Ceramic, Teflon, and Peek insulators are not easily
cleanable and thus it is advised to exchange them.