User's Manual

TES-63 Source
User manual version 06/2021
Page 46/46
Polygon Physics SAS au capital social de 72 000 euros - 19, rue de Sassenage - 38600 Fontaine
SIREN 799 584 453 RCS Grenoble - TVA intracommunautaire FR 19 799584453 - APE 2899B
10 Declaration of conformity
Manufacturer: Polygon Physic
19, rue de Sassenage
F 38600 Fontaine
Product: TES 63 15kV
Specifications: Ion source TES-63-15-B unit
Control unit with 15kV bipolar power supplies
This product complies with the emissions and immunity requirements of IEC 61326 related
to electromagnetic compatibility in an industrial electromagnetic environment.
The following standards were used to assess the product:
EN 61326-1 (2013) / IEC 61326-1 (2012)
EN 61000-3-2 (2019) / IEC 61000-3-2 (2018)
EN 61000-3-3 (2013 + A1/2019)
IEC 61000-3-3 (2013 + A1/2017)
FCC CFR 47 Part 18
The tests were conducted by third party: LCIE Veritas
170 Rue de Chatagnon
38430 Moirans
Place and date of issue: Grenoble, 08 October 2020
Pascal Sortais, CEO