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Safety Data Sheet
acc. to OSHA HCS (29 CFR 1910.1200)
Printing date 02/26/2015 Reviewed on 02/26/2015
Trade name: OTO Indicator Solution
(Contd. of page 10)
Canadian substance listings:
Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL)
All ingredients are listed.
Canadian Ingredient Disclosure list (limit 0.1%)
None of the ingredients is listed.
Canadian Ingredient Disclosure list (limit 1%)
7647-01-0 hydrochloric acid
Other regulations, limitations and prohibitive regulations
This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations
and the SDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
Chemical safety assessment:
A Chemical Safety Assessment has not been carried out.
16 Other information
This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any
specific product features and shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship.
Date of preparation / last revision
02/26/2015 / -
Abbreviations and acronyms:
ADR: Accord européen sur le transport des marchandises dangereuses par Route (European Agreement concerning the
International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road)
IMDG: International Maritime Code for Dangerous Goods
DOT: US Department of Transportation
IATA: International Air Transport Association
ACGIH: American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists
EINECS: European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances
ELINCS: European List of Notified Chemical Substances
CAS: Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society)
NFPA: National Fire Protection Association (USA)
HMIS: Hazardous Materials Identification System (USA)
WHMIS: Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (Canada)
Met. Corr.1: Corrosive to metals, Hazard Category 1
Acute Tox. 4: Acute toxicity, Hazard Category 4
Skin Corr. 1B: Skin corrosion/irritation, Hazard Category 1B
Eye Irrit. 2B: Serious eye damage/eye irritation, Hazard Category 2B
Carc. 1B: Carcinogenicity, Hazard Category 1B
STOT SE 3: Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure, Hazard Category 3
SDS Prepared by:
ChemTel Inc.
1305 North Florida Avenue
Tampa, Florida USA 33602-2902
Toll Free North America 1-888-255-3924 Intl. +01 813-248-0573