Owner manual

Third Party HTML-based Servers
Due to the NMT's support for HTML based media stream extensions, there are many open-
source third party servers that are compatible with the Syabas-based NMT. Some popular
examples are:
WizD (http://wizd.sourceforge.net/) and SwissCenter (http://www.swisscenter.co.uk)
Setting up the full NMT application suite
The NMT allows for the installation of an optional hard disk drive (HDD) that opens up a
range of extra functionality.
If your NMT does not already come with a pre-installed HDD, you can install your own HDD and
enable full NMT functionality by following the steps below :
1) Turn OFF the NMT
2) Attach a HDD directly to the NMT and connect the molex power supply
3) Power on the NMT and go to the Setup->Maintenance page and select the "NMT setup
wizard" option
4) Step through the NMT wizard to partition, format and install NMT applications on the HDD.
You can download the application binary onto a USB thumbdrive and use that as the
installation source. If you do not have the files to install the NMT applications available, you
can opt to install the apps directly from the internet. Please make sure you have a internet
connection available and that the NMT is connected to it.
Note: This step will DELETE ALL the data on your HDD
5) After reboot, most of the NMT applications will start up automatically. To manually adjust the
settings for the NMT applications, go to the Setup page.
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