User's Manual

Try holding the Penguin close to the sensor for 30 seconds whilst
intermittently clicking the top button – it sometimes takes this to get the
dongle to recognise the hardware
Try using a different USB port to connect your Penguin. If possible plug it
directly into the computer, i.e. not through any monitors/keyboards/hubs
Remove the USB Dongle and turn ‘OFF’ the Penguin switch. Reboot
your computer. Now re-insert USB dongle, wait 10/15 seconds and turn
Penguin switch back ‘ON’
Although your Penguin is plug & play, make sure your computer is up to
date with the latest drivers / operating software for pointing devices
Check that the sensor on the underside of the Penguin isn’t covered and
has a clear line of sight to the surface below. Also check that your Penguin
has not been dropped which could dislodge the laser
Try using the Penguin on a mouse mat / unreective surface
Make sure the charging cable is rmly attached into the USB port of your
computer and the DC end is rmly pushed into the front of the Penguin.
The ‘P’ Logo should light an orange colour. Recharge directly via a USB
port on your computer NOT via a multi-USB hub.
Try your Penguin mouse on a different PC/laptop to check if the issue is
still present.
If you attempt all of the above suggestions and still there appears to be a
problem, please contact your supplier.
Long periods of time at your workstation without regular breaks may cause
discomfort. Should discomfort persist, see a qualied health professional.
User advice/Maintenance
Try to avoid contact with strong medicated hand creams/sanitisers whilst
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