User Manual

Installation and Operator's Manual
(PVI-DESKTOP-yy-xx Rev: 1.2)
The entry to the RS485 port is located just below the USB connector. This port is to be
used exclusively for connection to the Aurora inverters by appropriate wiring.
WARNING: As indicated on the protection label, the J1 connector in Figure
2 is reserved for use with special wiring for RS485 communication with
Aurora inverters. Under no circumstances connect with any other device
(Ethernet, telephone network or other) as it could lead to possible damage.
This connection can be used as an alternative or supplement to the radio
communication with the inverters.
pin no. function
1 not used
2 not used
3 D+
4 not used
5 D-
6 not used
8 not used
The slot dedicated to the SD card is located at the bottom of the PVI-DESKTOP.
When the card is not inserted or contains no recognisable data, this device shows an
error message on the display which disappears only after the insertion of a correct SD
card. The SD card has some graphics features and other elements essential to the
object's operation stored in it. This card is also capable of storing, if necessary, the
field inverter data and making it available to other dedicated software on other devices
such as PCs.