User Manual

ASUS Travelair AC
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How do I connect my mobile device to my Travelair AC?
• YoucanconnectyourmobiledevicetoSSIDornetworknameTravelair-XXXX to connect to
your Travelair AC. For more details, refer to the section Connecting your mobile device.
• YoucanautomaticallyconnectyourNFC-enableddevicetoyourTravelairAC.Formoredetails,
refer to the section Connecting via NFC One Touch.
IMPORTANT! Your NFC-enabled mobile device must run on Android 4.0 or later version.
Q2: I still cannot connect my mobile device to my Travelair AC.
• EnsurethatyourTravelairACisturnedonanditsWi-FiLEDissolidblue,whichindicatesthatthe
Wi-Fi function is enabled.
• EnsurethatyouhaveconnectedyourmobiledevicetoyourTravelairACnetwork(Travelair-
XXXX) and that you are within the Wi-Fi range of your Travelair AC.
• Themaximumofve(5)devicesmayalreadyhaveconnectedtoyourTravelairAC.Try
connecting your mobile device to your Travelair AC at a later time.
• RestartyourTravelairACandtryconnectingyourmobiledevicetoitagain.Ifyouarestillunable
to connect, try resetting your Travelair AC. For more details on resetting your Travelair AC, refer
to the question in Q9.
Q3: Can I use my Travelair AC device SD card reader as a regular PC SD card reader?
No, you cannot use your Travelair AC SD card reader as a regular PC SD card reader. Your Travelair
AC SD card reader can only be used under wireless mode.
Q4: Do I need to install the ASUS AiDrive app on my mobile device to access my Travelair
Yes, you need to install the ASUS AiDrive app on your mobile device. ASUS AiDrive app lets you
connect to your Travelair AC on your mobile device running on Android, iOS, or Amazon Kindle
Q5: Can I use my Travelair AC as a standard portable hard drive?
Yes, you can use your Travelair AC as a standard portable hard drive. Ensure that your Travelair AC
Wi-Fi function is turned off before connecting it to your computer’s USB port.
IMPORTANT! WhenyourTravelairACisconnectedtoyourcomputer'sUSBport,contentsonyour
Travelair AC cannot be accessed wirelessly.
Q6: How do I update the firmware of my Travelair AC?
1. On your computer, download the latest firmware version from the ASUS Support site at
2. Using the bundled USB cable, connect your Travelair AC to your computers USB port.
3. Copy the downloaded firmware file to the root directory of your Travelair AC.
4. Safely remove your Travelair AC from your computer.
5. Plug your Travelair AC to a power outlet.